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Good Morning,
Sea lions, seen in locally in Clayoquot Sound, molt once each year, usually after the breeding season. Molting is when an animal loses its fur or feathers and the coat is replaced with a new one. During the molting season, sea lions cannot enter the water because they do not have proper insulation to keep them warm.

Please see our upcoming tours below… 

TODAY –  Tuesday, September 24th


10:30am Whale Watching: CONFIRMED – Space Available
11:00am Bear Watching: CONFIRMED – Space Available
1:30pm Whale Watching: CONFIRMED – Space Available
1:30pm Hot Springs CoveCONFIRMED – Space Available


4:30pm Whale Watching: CONFIRMED – Space Available
TOMORROW – Wednesday, September 25th
9:30am Hot Springs CoveCONFIRMED – Space Available


9:30am Whale Watching: CONFIRMED – Space Available
12:45pm Bear Watching: CONFIRMED – Space Available
3:30pm Whale Watching: Space Available


5:00pm Whale Watching: Space Available


(250) 725-9227
101 Fourth St, Tofino