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Good Morning,

Bald eagles, previously seen on our wildlife tour, can see four or five times farther than the average person. Eagle eyes are so huge they fill most of its skull. They also have a 340-degree field of view and have both monocular and binocular vision. This allows them to use each eye individually or together!

Please see our upcoming tours below… 

TODAY –  Monday, September 23rd
10:00am Bear Watching: CONFIRMED – Space Available

10:30am Whale Watching: CONFIRMED – Space Available
1:30pm Whale Watching: CONFIRMED – Space Available

1:30pm Hot Springs CoveSpace Available
4:30pm Whale Watching: CONFIRMED – Space Available

TOMORROW – Tuesday, September 24th
9:30am Hot Springs CoveSpace Available

10:30am Whale Watching: Space Available
11:00am Bear Watching: CONFIRMED – Space Available
1:30pm Whale Watching: CONFIRMED – Space Available

4:30pm Whale Watching: CONFIRMED – Space Available


[email protected]
(250) 725-9227
101 Fourth St, Tofino