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Good Morning,


Tufted Puffins, previously seen on our wild life tours, unlike other birds, need a running start to take to the air.  They can dive and even swim underwater at great depths up to 200 feet while staying underwater for a minute or more.  They use their wings and feet to steer underwater to feed on small fish, which they catch in their bills.  

Please see our upcoming tours below… 

TODAY – Wednesday, August 28th

9:30am Hot Springs CoveCONFIRMED – Space Available
10:30am Whale Watching: CONFIRMED – Space Available
2:00pm Bear Watching: CONFIRMED – Space Available
3:30pm Whale Watching: CONFIRMED – Space Available
5:30pm Whale Watching: Space Available

TOMORROW – Thursday, August 29th

9:30am Whale Watching : CONFIRMED – Space Available
9:30am Hot Springs Cove : CONFIRMED – Sold Out
12:30pm Whale Watching : CONFIRMED – Space Available
3:30 PM Bear Watching : CONFIRMED – Space Available
4:00 PM Whale Watching : Space Available



[email protected]
(250) 725-9227
101 Fourth St, Tofino