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Good Morning,


The osprey, seen locally in Tofino and on our tours, is a unique raptor, standing out for its beauty and choice of prey. The raptor flies 32 to 130 feet in the air and dives, typically feet first, into shallow water to capture its prey. They are successful in 24% to 74% of their dives, depending on weather conditions, tides, and ability.



Please see our upcoming tours below… 
TODAY – Monday, April 8th
10:00am Hot Springs Cove Tour: Space Available
10:30am Whale Watching: CONFIRMED – Space Available
2:00pm Whale Watching: Space Available
6:00pm Bear Watch: Space Available
TOMORROW – Tuesday, April 9th
7:30am Bear Watch: Space Available
10:00am Hot Springs Cove Tour: Space Available
10:30am Whale Watching: Space Available
2:00pm Whale Watching: Space Available



6:00pm Bear Watch: Space Available



(250) 725-9227
101 Fourth St, Tofino