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Good Morning,

Grey Whales, which can be seen on our Whale Watching tours in Clayoquot sound, make one of the longest migrations of any mammal in the world. They cover a distance of 16,000 – 22,000 kilometres every year as they migrate from the warm tropical waters they spend their winters in near Mexico, to their summer feeding grounds in the Arctic and North Pacific. Throughout the spring, we get the chance to see them as they pass Vancouver Island and feast along the coastal waters.

Please see our upcoming tours below… 

TODAY – Thursday, April 25th
7:45am Bear Watch: CONFIRMED – Space Available
10:00am Hot Springs Cove: Space Available
11:00am Whale Watching: CONFIRMED – Space Available
2:00pm Whale Watching: Space Available
5:30pm Whale Watching: Space Available

TOMORROW – Friday, April 26th
8:30am Bear Watch: CONFIRMED – Space Available
11:00am Whale Watching: Space Available
2:00pm Whale Watching: Space Available
5:30pm Whale Watching: Space Available



[email protected]
(250) 725-9227
101 Fourth St, Tofino