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Good Morning,

Herring move throughout the ocean in large schools that can reach several kilometres in length! In spring, adult herring congregate along the shores to spawn. The larvae and juveniles spend their first summer near the shore and in shallower bays; by fall, these juveniles move into deeper water and in 2 to 3 years, join the populations of adult herring.

Please see our upcoming tours below… 

TODAY – Friday, March 15th
9:30am Hot Springs Cove Tour: Space Available
10:30am Whale Watching: Space Available
2:00pm Whale Watching: Space Available

TODAY – Saturday, March 16th
9:30am Hot Springs Cove Tour: Space Available
10:30am Whale Watching: Space Available
2:00pm Whale Watching: Space Available



[email protected]
(250) 725-9227
101 Fourth St, Tofino