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Good morning,
Sea otters eat 25 percent of their body weight in food every day. Sea otters’ diets include sea urchins, crabs, mussels, and clams, which they’re known to crack open with a rock and eat while floating in the water – they can dive as deep as 250ft (75m)!
Please take a peak at our upcoming tours outlined below and enjoy the sun today!
TODAY – (Wednesday, September 21st)
10:00 AM Whale Watching 🐋 CONFIRMED – Space Available
1:00 PM Whale Watching 🐋 CONFIRMED – Space Available
4:00 PM Bear Watching 🐻 : CONFIRMED – Space Available
TOMORROW – (Thursday, September 22nd)
10:30 AM Whale Watching 🐋 : Space Available
1:30 PM Whale Watching 🐋 : SOLD OUT
4:30 PM Whale  Watching 🐋 :  Space Available
4:45 PM Bear Watching 🐻 : CONFIRMED – Space Available



[email protected]
(250) 725-9227
101 Fourth St, Tofino

[email protected]
(250) 725-9227
101 Fourth St, Tofino