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Good morning,

FUN FACT – Harbour Porpoises

The name β€œporpoise” comes from the Latin for pig (porcus) describing their flat faces. Harbour porpoises are therefore sometimes called “puffing pigs,” due to the sound they make as they breathe.

Please take a peak at our upcoming tours outlined below and enjoy the sun today! 

TODAY – (Monday, September 12th)

8:00 AM Bear Watching πŸ» CONFIRMED – Space Available
10:30 AM Whale Watching πŸ‹ CONFIRMED – Space Available
1:30 PM Whale Watching πŸ‹ : CONFIRMED – Space Available
4:30 PM Whale  Watching πŸ‹ : Space Available

TOMORROW – (Tuesday, September 13th)

8:30 AM Bear Watching πŸ» CONFIRMED – Space Available
11:00 AM Whale Watching πŸ‹ CONFIRMED – Space Available
2:00 PM Whale Watching πŸ‹ CONFIRMED – Space Available
5:00 PM Whale  Watching πŸ‹ :  Space Available

Kind regards, 

[email protected]
(250) 725-9227
101 Fourth St, Tofino